Eight Group Trips You’ll Actually Want to Go On

all your friends are getting married or having children, it
can feel like your go-to globetrotting gang is rapidly dissolving –
it’s hard enough arranging a night out, let alone a transatlantic
adventure. Sadly, there still isn’t a rent-a-buddy app that’ll find
you the perfect travel companion, so instead we’re turning to tour
operators to fill the void. You’d be forgiven if the thought of a
group tour conjures up images of the blue-rinse brigade’s annual
Benidorm expedition, but these travel companies are taking us to

lesser-known destinations
with well-crafted itineraries. Save
yourself hours of painstaking planning, let go of your inner
control freak and get on board with this rejuvenated travel


Sleep Under the Stars in Mongolia

Dragoman Tour

Even the most independent travellers will need a guide or driver
to tackle the dirt roads of Mongolia,
making this trip perfect for sceptical group travellers. Famed for
its nomadic culture (one of the last remaining in the world) the
untamed wilderness of
, where green valleys are met by glacier-wrapped
mountains, is truly a sight to behold. Mongolians refer to their
homeland as “the land of the blue sky” so take full advantage and

sleep under the stars
in a ger – the traditional felt yurt that
you’ll see peppered across the rolling pastures. Group bonding will
occur over bathing in the Tsenkher hot
, spotting the ever-elusive snow leopard.


Roam the Indus Deserts in Pakistan

Oasis Overland

Some might pale when you mention Pakistan as
your next holiday destination, given the often one-sided western
portrayal. Quash any security concerns and travel with likeminded
adventurers and knowledgeable guides across the 5000-year-old Indus
valley. A majestic mix of expansive desert and juxtaposing
cosmopolitan cities, you’ll visit the Derewar Fort that rises
fiercely from the Cholistan Desert and meet the ancient Mohan tribe
who live in houseboats on the Manchar Lake.


Make like Attenborough in the Galápagos

Intrepid Travel

Capture a documentary that even
David Attenborough
would applaud as lava lizards, flamingos and
blue-footed boobies come together for nature’s biggest wildlife
party. One of the few places untouched by human development and the
springboard for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, an Intrepid tour
enables you to scratch beneath the Galápagos
surface as you hop from saltwater lagoons to spectacular volcanic
landscapes. Given that having a guide is a legal requirement on the
islands, it’s a perfect opportunity to give group tours a go – even
if it’s just so someone’s on hand to play photographer.


Tackle Climate Change in the Arctic


Retreating glaciers and shrinking sea ice threaten to topple the captivating landscape that is the Arctic. Tackle climate change from the front line in Churchill, the only place that the famed Churchill polar bears call home. You’ll be conducting wildlife surveys, assisting teams of researchers and collecting snow samples on snowmobiles before retreating to build yourself an overnight igloo. Camp out in the Northern Lights observation dome to witness Mother Nature’s captivating light display.


Sip Sake in Japan

Wendy Wu Tours

Sift through Nakamise, the oldest shopping street in Tokyo, and
gaze beyond the skyscrapers to find the tranquillity that lies at
the heart of Japanese culture. With a trip that’s focused on
finding your zen, the chauffeur-driven cars, organised itinerary
and beautiful hotels will ease you into your break. Take the bullet
train to Kyoto for
cherry blossom serenity, go sake tasting at the top of Mount Fiji
and then attend a sumo wrestling tournament for a truly
well-rounded experience of Japan.


Go Trekking in Italy

ATG Oxford

Rambling is the new new raving, didn’t you know? Follow a
2000-year-old Roman road through medieval towns and ancient
Etruscan cities in Lazio, with stops at wild swimming lakes and
frescoed tombs. Feast on wild boar from the forests and freshly
caught fish from Lake Bracciano. With food and wine this good,
evening meals soon feel like proper family dinners.


Stomp Grapes in Sydney

Topdeck Travel

Go down under with Topdeck Travel to discover a side of
beyond the urban jungle. Head up to Hunter Valley – a
spot synonymous with the good
– where you’ll stomp wine grapes in an oak barrel before
pouring some of the southern hemisphere’s finest vino. Just as good
looking as
, but without the hoards of gap yah backpackers, the silky
shores of Port Stephens provide the perfect backdrop for a
barbecue. After a couple of schooners of pale ale, you’ll be
forming a cricket team with the rest of the crew – ask your
permanently on-hand driver to umpire.


Camp in Meymand Caves in Iran

Wild Frontiers Travel

Wild Frontiers‘ tour of Iran
allows you to explore more than just the heavyweight cities like
Travel through sleepy 17th-century towns to the world’s hottest
desert, the Lut, where the towering sand dunes and sculpted rock
formations dominate the landscape. Dust off with a welcome break
from the gruelling heat in the oasis village of Keshit, that
appears on the horizon like a mirage. In the evening, join the
local people of Meymand and swap stories with your new pals while
you munch on gaz, a flavoured Persian nougat, before heading to bed
in an ancient cave dwelling. Finish off the trip in the old Persian
capital of Isfahan – the exquisite blue tiling that dominates the
town will inject some colour into your Instagram