An Island Without Time: Boipea, Brazil

January I travelled to Boipeba, a small island on the coast
of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. After a crazy flight on one of
those tiny (somewhat precarious) light aircraft, my girlfriend and
I landed on a magical strip of tarmac, drenched in tropical sun and
surrounded by coconut groves.

The silence of Boipeba is breathtaking, you feel it from the
moment you arrive. An island of fisherman, coconut groves and
kind-hearted locals offering a thousand smiles a day, the laughter
of children and the slow rhythm of life seem to be in tandem with
nature. So still, pure and clean, a place where donkeys and horses
are used for transport. There are no cars, no noise to disturb your
thoughts. And when darkness falls the island sleeps, the silence
ever deeper. An earthly slice of paradise which belongs to those
who live there – I long to return to dream in stillness again.

@jordicerveraraph |

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Florianópolis, Brazil