The City of Sun: Lisbon, Portugal

In Lisbon, you’re in the constant company of a golden hue, whether sipping a trendy turmeric latte beside street art at the LX Factory, eating pastries or buying sardines in retro-looking cans.

sun had already warmed the old wooden chairs of tram 28 when
we hopped aboard. Before that, we’d spent the morning exploring the
streets of Lisbon,
indulging in pasteis de nata at Manteigaria.

As the tram began to slowly navigate the steep, narrow streets,
the salty-fresh air worked its way through a small side window and
onto our happy faces. In that moment, I zoned out. Gone was the
sound of busy street life. I could no longer hear thoughts whirring
around my head. Instead, my focus rested solely on the visuals,
colours, lines and forms of the city.

I noticed little details such as mosaics and colourful tiles
that nestle among the city’s historic architecture. We passed kids
playing, tourists wandering carefree up the hills and wrinkled
Portuguese grandmothers shopping for fresh fruit and

This is a city of sun. In my photographs, I play with the colour
yellow as it popped up every now and then. In
, you’re in the constant company of a golden hue, whether
sipping a trendy turmeric latte beside street art at the LX
Factory, eating pastries or buying sardines in retro-looking cans.
Come evening, as the sinking sun sets the city’s yellow-painted
houses aglow, you enjoy a beer up on a miradouro and the dwindling
rays warm your face and heart.

@mirjakofler |

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City Guide: Lisbon, Portugal