The Class Founder Taryn Toomey Talks Tribeca and Transformation

The Class by Taryn Toomey – a transformative workout of the body and mind – is one of New York City’s most in-demand wellness rituals. We spent an afternoon in Tribeca and tried it out for ourselves.

is a medicinal part of life. Don’t believe us? Have a
little dance around whatever room you are currently in (we’ll wait,
and hopefully the room’s other occupants won’t judge). Feel better?
Good. Take that as one simple but illuminating example of the ways
in which Taryn Toomey knows your body better than you do.

Following a session (where screaming is encouraged) we dealt
with key wellness topics that have been playing on our mind since
our last trip to Whole Foods – namely what workout classes should
we take in New York, which are the city’s best health-food stores
and why now, more than ever, it is important to connect.

Here, Taryn pegs the best times of day to work out, why her
workouts are cathartic and the upside to working out in a suit

In 2007 you went to Peru
for a month to learn how to teach yoga. Tell us about that

I love Peru. There is a feeling of old-soul wisdom magic there.
I have done many different ceremonies with a variety of shamans and
learned so much about creating sacred space. There are some basic
things I do in The Class that nod things I picked up in ceremony.
The Class is very ritualistic; people who have worked with the
different modalities often say they can feel the same energy

Why Peru?

One of my teachers, Alison Sinatra, was leading a retreat down
there and I decided to sign up. While there, I met my mentor Mama

Who is The Class for?

The Class is for everyone. Whether you want to join the
five-minutes of burpees or simply stand and be actively present
with the magnetic energy around you, the purpose of The Class is to
drop into and listen to your body. Women and men of all ages
experience The Class for different reasons – it’s a great workout,
a way to break through a creative block, or simply release their
body to powerful music.

You also offer a “no-sweat option”. We’re intrigued…

The Class Relieve is a 20-minute way to clear your mind of chaos
and rid the body of any tension that’s been building up. I took all
the parts of The Class that I find to be powerful but simple and
paired them to create something that can be done anywhere. It gives
you a toolbox of things to get you out of your head and into your
body. We offer The Class Relieve as part of our corporate program,
where a teacher will come to large companies and lead them through
this movement. You can do it in a suit or dress, anything

What is the link between workouts and emotional catharsis?

There’s a lot of collective trauma and confusion in the world we
live in. I feel as if we are essentially practicing disassociation
daily. What we are doing is mindfully exhausting the physical body
and once we have gained the trust of ourselves, of the room, we
allow ourselves to feel – which is different than thinking. This
can be very therapeutic and at times leads to catharsis.

People have been known to scream at your class, can you

We use sound along with breath to create release when we feel
the “I can’t” heaviness begin to build up in the body. This sound
helps to unblock some of the weight that keeps us feeling stuck,
releasing the tension right in the middle of the intensity. We
express the unexpressed, the unfelt, without the need to narrate or
convince someone. Think about all the times you have been out there
in the world and felt like there was so much pressure inside you
wanted to clear it out. We offer people the space to clear it –
through movement, sound, breath – anything goes.

Best time of day to

I prefer to workout in the morning on an empty stomach as I find
this to be most effective for both my headspace and my body. I
usually try to leave one hour open in the mornings for a workout so
I can set myself up for the day. That being said, this isn’t always
possible when running a company and having back-to-back meetings. I
just get one in whenever I see a window. Movement is a very
important and medicinal part of my life, so I prioritise it.

Tell us about The Community Class…

The Community Class is a donation-based offering that supports
Niños Del Sol. This organisation was started by my mentor Mama Kia.
In the spirit of the work of The Class, this offering allows our
community to give back to a less fortunate one – one that helped
fuel the creation of this method.

Tips for working out when you travel…

Plan a 30-minute playlist of songs that move you. Do one
movement for the entire length of the song. For example, push ups,
ab exercises, sprints or lunges. Plan it ahead of time and enjoy.
The only thing you really need in order to workout is you. You and
your own body – and your will. Oh yes, let’s not forget your

Other than the Class where in NYC
do you go to workout?

SoulCycle or Kula Yoga.

Other than the Class where in NYC
do you go to workout? SoulCycle or Kula

Must-visit spots near your Tribeca studio…

ONDA Beauty, Tenoverten, Four Seasons Spa, HigherDOSE, Cryofuel, Juice Press and Holy Ground.

Favourite spots for coffee

Laughing Man.

For family lunch in NYC head to…

Tribeca’s Kitchen, Locanda Verde or Tiny’s & The Bar

Best health-food stores include…

Juice Press is my go-to when I’m on the run and need to grab a
healthy snack. I don’t drink the shakes, just the kale chips and
salads. The Goods Mart is an all time favourite of mine; its
founder Rachel Krupa is a fantastic visionary and just gets it. I
also love Clean Market, it has the most delicious snacks from
Magic Mix Juicery and a nice assortment of supplements and healthy
treats – plus full-service wellness and self-care treatments.

Where do you go to relax?

HigherDOSE or I use my Biomat to meditate. If I’m traveling
somewhere with a beach, I’ll go down to the water and plant my feet
in the sand and let the earth recalibrate me while I take in that
grounding energy.

What are you reading at the moment?

I am currently reading Ray Dalio’s Principles in Action.

Where do you shop for workout gear/ favourite brands?

My own collection. We launched a capsule collection in February
with all of my favourites – capes, leggings, tops and totes.

One piece of travel advice…

Hydrate. Drink lots of water and take a Lypo-Spheric Vitamin-C
packet to boost the immune system. I do not eat once airborne to
keep the digestive system happy. Also, move your body in some way
when you land.

What are your travel essentials?

Standard Dose CBD + MCT, Barbara Sturm Hyaluronic Serum,
May Lindstrom Hydrating Mist,
Lypo-Spheric Glutathione and Vitamin C packets, my Airelume
necklace, IQ protein bars and, for provenance, a pre-made

And finally, what’s in your SUITCASE?

Bodysuit, leggings, long flowing lightweight dresses, Isabel Marant boots, a Natori nightgown and True Botanicals’ Overnight Mask
– my new obsession.

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