The Colours of Cornwall

on the shore looking out across the water is like being
between two worlds. You’re neither here nor there but
simultaneously are invigorated by the energy of the waves; the
clash of water and earth.

In Cornwall, you’re always mindful
of the sea. Local legends reflect the county’s soul and are born in
those watery depths. The rocks of Land’s End, the lost island of
Lyonesse, Bedruthan Steps and legendary Tintagel (King Arthur’s
birthplace) all blur the boundary between myth and reality.
Pirates, smugglers and mermaids are stitched into the tapestry of
Cornish folklore.

Almost everyone swims, surfs, dives or sails; the draw of the
ocean is irresistible with its many colours and moods. In St Ives,
the grey sky diffuses the light to gives a hint of the tones
concealed in the diluted landscape below. Come evening, the sun
breaks the cover and paints the harbour orange and purple – a
goodbye gift before its plunge into the sea.

The next day I walk along the coastal path from Lizard Point to
Kynance Cove. The water is a brilliant turquoise, while the
peninsula is covered by a soft blanket of camomile, daisies,
harebells, wild thyme and pinky yarrow.

Padstow is my next stop and I sit on the Camel Estuary with my
feet in the water for hours. Creamy houses perch on green hills,
creating a sanctuary which contrasts with the vast expanse of
bubbling sea. A strong wind gathers clouds into a menacing mass and
the surface of the disturbed waters darkens.

I am in Millook Heaven near Bude, this time looking away from
the sea and towards the cliffs. The layered rocks of sandstone and
shale form striking chevron folds. The dark and light stripes
across the cliff face can be read like a book – if you know how to
decipher them.

Confronted with powerful elements on the coast, it becomes
easier to put life in perspective. The landscape that we perceive
to be unmoving is actually a shape-shifting body, forever escaping
final definition and constantly surprising us. While eternal, it’s
never quite the same; this series tries encapsulate nature by
painting its perpetually changing colours.

@monkrochmal |

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A Day in St. Ives, Cornwall