A Dance of Cultures: Seville, Spain

am strolling through the narrow streets of Seville
with no clear plan in mind. Rows of white and pastel-coloured
houses keeps me cool in their shade. Overhead, balconies decorated
with tiles and flowers keep guard over the alleyways below. This
city smells like orange blossom.

It’s siesta time and all is calm and quiet. I meet only a
handful of locals who share a “buenas tardes” and a smile as we
cross paths. Everyone seems to have mastered
slow living
in Seville.

There’s no such thing as a wrong turn in this city. I take a
left and encounter La Giralda, the distinguished bell tower of
Seville Cathedral, the largest gothic cathedral in the world.

A few steps farther I find the illustrious Royal Alcázar palace,
a Unesco World Heritage Site, better known as the Water Gardens of
Dorne among
Game of Thrones
fans. It is considered one of the finest
examples of Mudejar architecture, a fusion of traditional Moorish,
gothic and Renaissance styles. As I walk through its ornate rooms
and lavish gardens, I breathe in the splendour of the Seville of
centuries long gone.

Upon leaving, the sight of tables surrounded by people enjoying
tapas whets my appetite. In the old Jewish neighbourhood of Santa
Cruz, I squeeze through the crowds at the cosy Taberna La Goleta
where diners stand, rubbing shoulders. Making my way to the bar, I
order a glass of its renowned orange wine and a montadito – a small

There’s something charming about Seville, with its rich cultural
history, delicious food and easy-going approach to life. I am under
its spell.

@chiophotography | chiophotography.com

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A Dance of Cultures: Seville, Spain