Majuli Island, Assam, India

Majuli Island is a place where nature and community and celebrated above all else; home to a number of traditional arts, crafts and religions.

20 years it’s thought that Majuli may disappear altogether
due to the Brahmaputra’s levels rising as a result of climate
change. For now, however, it remains a world where nature and
community are celebrated above all else.

Don’t miss…

Located on the Brahamaputra River in the north-east of the
country, the island is home to a number of traditional arts, crafts
and religions. The Kamlabari Satra, a monastery-like complex that
houses devotees of the Hindu god Vishnu is a must-see. Music and
dance is the focus here, but there’s another Satra a few miles down
the road that makes vibrant masks.

Who to take with you

The best way to get around is on two wheels, so you’d be smart
to travel with someone who is physically fit and keen for
adventure. Set off on a pushbike along bumpy, car-less roads as the
sun rises over the golden fields.

When to go

October to March for bearable weather conditions.

Most likely to bump into…

Noone you know. Visit a potters’ village by the water’s edge and
it’s likely the women, dressed in bright saris, will invite you
into their homes to watch them work.

Essentials to bring with you

Patience. The slow pace of life on Majuli should be relished

How to get there

Majuli Island is not a place you’ll find on most people’s
itineraries of India. To head here from Kolkata, the nearest big
city, means days on dodgy boats and rumbling trains.

This article appears in Volume 24: The
Slow Issue.

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Vana, Uttarakhand, India