Photo Journal: Endless Summer

Summer is an ongoing body of work which conveys the
nostalgic thoughts and feelings of my childhood spent along the
shore. The series of beaches is inspired by memories of
never-ending days floating in the water, jumping waves, surfing
with my dad and basking in the sun. It was a simpler time, and one
of the only times in my life that I can remember feeling nothing
more than pure happiness.

For over a decade, I have been photographing beachscapes and
have spent the past year hanging out of helicopters everywhere from
Australia, Rio de Janeiro, Miami and Hawaii, getting a bird’s eye
view of sun lovers around the world and exploring aerial imagery.
At first glance, these works may read as abstract, but with a
closer look, viewers peruse umbrellas, sunbathers, swimmers and
surfers scattered about the scene, creating a colourful
composition. My lens not only captures the blissful moments of
those in the photograph, but also allows the viewer to reflect on
their own memories and attempts to evoke similar emotions of
serenity and joy.


Discover More
10 of the Best City Beaches in the World