First Impressions: Hong Kong

story begins in a hotel reception in the district of Sheung
Wan, Hong Kong. I was checking in and behind the desk the sun was
setting seductively over the skyscrapers. I couldn’t resist jumping
over the desk to capture that moment with my camera, while the
receptionist gave me a bemused smile.

Hong Kong’s skyline is one of the most fascinating in the world,
where a dense concentration of skyscrapers is juxtaposed with the
immediate presence of rainforest. As night falls, the city
transforms into a still pulsing symphony of neon lights. New
buildings rise next to old residential blocks served by busy
streets below.

Like a living organism, the city constantly changes its face,
with old structures replaced by vertiginous architecture. A lack of
available land means Hong Kong has the highest concentration of
tall buildings in the world condensed into a small space; this
relentless development is often criticised for having a negative
impact on historical identity of the city.

Sheung Wan offers an insight into Hong Kong’s past, filled with
dried seafood shops, herbal-medicine wholesalers and traditional
stores selling bird’s nests to be used in soups.

This photographic series depicts the fascinating urban
aesthetics of Hong Kong, where architecture seems to repeat itself
in abstract, almost hypnotic, patterns and colours collide It is a
wonderful visual mix which cannot help but astonish.

@jennifer_cauli |

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Chasing Light in Hong Kong