Galapagos Islands, Ecuador


Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Why now

The Galapagos are one of the most protected places on Earth and
one of the few places untouched by human development. The 61-island
archipelago sparked Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, which becomes
clearer than ever when you see the wildlife here. As you navigate
the rather chilly seas, you’ll get up close and personal with giant
ambling tortoises which weigh over 400kg, as well as sea lions,
sharks and iguanas. The Galapagos only allows a certain number of
visitors per year, however, that number has risen from 17,000
tourists 20 years ago to over 200,000 today. As protected as it may
be, the region is starting to show strain from tourism. Now is a
better time than ever to visit before those numbers get any higher
and the UNESCO World Heritage site is ruined or becomes highly
restricted once again.

When to go

The Galapagos are situated right on the equator so the air and
water temperatures stay fairly constant throughout the year, as
does the wildlife that you can see. If you visit in high season
(due to school holidays) which runs mid-December to January and June through to August, be sure to you book at least six months
in advance.

Who to take with you

A guide – it’s a legal requirement. Like going back to school in
the best way possible.

Most likely to bump into…

Blue-footed boobies jigging around in their goofy mating

Don’t miss

Snorkelling – many people think of the amazing wildlife on land
in the Galapagos but forget that there’s another whole world under
the sea. Swim with marine iguanas, sea lions, green sea turtles,
the world’s second smallest penguin and thousands of colourful

Essentials you need to bring with you

Binoculars – spot the amazing wildlife on the islands from the
boat Sea-sickness remedies such as crystallised ginger, patches or
tablets Underwater camera

How to get there

Unfortunately (though fortunately for the wildlife) there are no
direct flights to the Galapagos. Fly first to Quito or Guayaquil
then take one of the daily flights with TAME or AEROGAL. You can
also access the Galapagos by boat from Quito, but don’t take this option unless you
have time to kill as it takes three days.

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