Introducing Our Latest Issue: Craft

Rediscover the joy of craft. Our new issue talks to the producers, creators and tastemakers preserving artisanal traditions, and celebrates the mastery of design.

to craft is as old as civilisation itself – without
tools, hunting weapons and cooking implements, we could not have
put down roots, built communities and become the industrious
farming folk who went on to inherit the earth. And travel? Well,
let’s just say that without producers, creators and tastemakers,
the world would be a lot less exciting to explore.

So often, it’s these people and experiences that provide a
reason for us to jump on that plane, board that train and schlep
across town to try that brilliant new bistro. In this issue of
SUITCASE we offer a window on their talent, craft and creativity.
From the Ukrainian potter finding solace in symbols, to the Cuban
rum distiller nurturing the perfect pour, we showcase those
preserving artisanal traditions, forging the new and celebrating
the joy of art.

Join us as we discover the rhythms and guitar workshops
currently making Cape Verde’s Mindelo move, visit the Indian
village reviving the lost art of traditional indigo dyeing, and
reveal why edgy Santa Barbara should be top of your California
wishlist. There’s hiking and the unsung alpine delights of summer
in Switzerland, a visit to Australia’s iconic southern surf coast,
and a browse through some of the globe’s best craft galleries.

For those inspired to roll up their sleeves while on the road,
we say you can’t go past Finland’s dazzlingly design-centric
capital, Helsinki, where the season’s long daylight hours afford
plenty of time to supplement a sojourn with a craft workshop.
Because, just like travel, life’s what you make it.

Discover these stories and more in the summer issue of SUITCASE. Intrigued? Take a peek
inside here.