It Takes Two… to Tango in Buenos Aires

Aires is the city of tango. Across the Argentine capital
locals seem to practise their moves with passion on every street

It was in the Balvanera neighbourhood that I visited Complejo
Tango, where novices like myself can train with professional
dancers before watching a world-class show and indulging in a
typical Argentinian meal.

Inside, the lounge was dark, moody and sensual. As I took my
posit ion on the stage there were 25 candlelit tables spread
intimately across the floor below. An accordion player piped up
from a balcony above before, one by one, a full orchestra – guitar,
piano, bass, percussion and vocals – joined in. Trying to avoid
treading on my partner’s toes, I took one step sideways, two steps
back, one across and one forward.

Later I left it to the professionals. Four pairs of dancers
tangoed the fine line between subtlety and passion, changing their
costumes and dancing styles to illustrate the evolution of the art
over the past century. If only I could have made it look that


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