Morocco in Bloom

comes to mind when thinking about Morocco are burnt-sherbet
deserts, hectic medinas and arid plains. It evokes a dry warmth;
the scent of a thousand spices, rich olive oil and colourful cloth

These are reasons enough to visit during spring, when the
temperatures are still balmy – even if it does mean sharing the
roads and attractions with bustling crowds.

But when we landed in Tangier we were welcomed by empty ribbons
of macadam sinuating through some of the lushest landscapes we had
ever seen. The hills were covered by miles of golden wheat that
quivered in the wind, while wildflowers lined the highway in shades
of bright red, blue and purple. Further inland, the top of the
mountains were still sprinkled with snow. One could not conjure a
more exquisite picture to unfold as we made our way to Chefchaouen
or the “Blue Pearl”.

We spent the next few days wandering a kaleidoscope of teal,
turquoise and soft blues, feasting on tangy lemon-chicken tajine
and enjoying the unexpected silence of this sleepy town. Travelling
with no expectation rekindled our childhood curiosity;
open-mindedness made it transcendent.

@morganeerpicum |

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The Ultimate Morocco Itinerary