Nevis: Winds of Change in the Caribbean

can be exhausting. Slathering yourself in sun cream,
choosing a cocktail, turning the pages of your book… It may sound
silly, but relaxing actually does take a lot of energy.

The Caribbean island of Nevis
needs about seven megawatts of power a day to charge iPads, cool
hotel rooms, fire jet-skis, push golf buggies, filter swimming
pools, pipe music, cook dinners, flick the sprinklers and flash the
disco lights – and that’s without the ordinary energy demands of
schools, hospitals, cars and homes.

But it’s set to become a carbon-neutral island, 100%
self-sufficient and entirely powered by its own resources. And,
judging by the annual Easter kite-flying competition, there’s more
than enough wind and sun to go round. But that’s Nevis all over –
full of energy, but strangely relaxing. This photographic series
documents the people who live on this paradisiacal islet.

@cathyland1 |

Discover More
Nevis: The Unspoilt Caribbean Island