10 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Travel More Sustainably

more exercise? Tried that. Drink more water? Done. Consume
less alcohol? Next. For
, we’re moving away from clichéd New Year’s resolutions by
resolving to become more eco-conscious travellers with these simple
green choices.

Environmentally friendly choices for the eco-conscious

1. Eat locally

While travelling, choose to eat locally rather than stopping off
in chains or international restaurants. This gives you the
opportunity to immerse yourself in the culinary culture of the
destination while supporting the econom ic welfare of local
communities and enjoying food that hasn’t clocked up hundreds of
air miles before it reaches your plate.

2. Bring your own water bottle

Travelling can be an exhausting business, so keeping up
hydration levels is key, particularly in hot countries. Having your
own refillable water bottle is a great way to ensure you’ll always
have a drink at hand while avoiding unnecessary plastic bottles. As
well as bestowing personal benefits (staying hydrated and saving
you money), reusable water bottles help to reduce both the volume
of waste that goes to landfill and the amount of harmful chemicals
involved in plastic-bottle production.

3. Use a KeepCup

Much like toting your own reusable water bottle, carrying a
refillable coffee cup is a simple way to reduce your plastic
output. Can’t function without a coffee on the go? Invest in a
reusable vessel such as KeepCup to make sure you can always get
that caffeine fix without the single-use cup.

4. Choose eco-friendly accommodation

In recent years there has been a significant increase in

eco-friendly hotels
which have taken action to minimise impact
on the environment, whether that be through recycling initiatives,
electricity-saving systems, restaurants serving locally sourced
food, using renewable energy resources or the use of
environmentally friendly materials in construction. Research in
advance of booking to find the greenest option that suits your
needs. It goes without saying that staying at small, locally owned
hotels rather than international chains with all-inclusive buffets
is a more sustainable choice for both communities and the

5. Support sustainable and ethical tour operators

Opt for sustainable tour operators while you travel. Choosing
companies that deliberately make eco-conscious choices when
curating your travel itinerary will help reduce your carbon
footprint. When booking, look out for those that support
conservation projects, provide low-energy lodges and engage in
local activities. If you are going on a trip that involves
interacting with wildlife, it is important to ensure you find an
ethical company that guarantees your activities will have minimal
impact on the flora and fauna.

6. Pack more eco-consciously

While it can be very tempting to pack toiletries and accessories
that are easy to use and quick to replace, these are often the
items that are most harmful to the environment. Pack mindfully to
avoid waste while travelling, and choose reusable items where

7. Book more

While zipping overseas can be an attractive holiday choice,
staycations provide an equally relaxing, stress-free and rewarding
getaway alternative. Reducing the need for air miles, exploring
your homeland is a no-brainer when it comes to eco-friendly travel
(and is often kind to your wallet too).

8. Explore new locations by foot or bicycle

It’s common knowledge that walking is the best way to reduce
your carbon footprint. Exploring new destinations via car can feel
impersonal and means that you’re less likely to truly get a feel of
a new place. Travel by foot to stumble upon hidden corners, local
shops and meet new people.

9. Avoid buying souvenirs

While souvenirs can be a great way to remember a trip, most of
the time they get forgotten about, only to be thrown away as time
goes on. Spend time taking photographs and making memories rather
than buying unnecessary trinkets – or if you see something you
love, make sure it was made locally, and not imported from

10. Call out shops and restaurants giving you unnecessary

Many struggle with the awkwardness of pointing out problems to
strangers, particularly in hospitality. Try to remember that it’s
for a good cause – refusing a plastic straw with your drink,
declining a single-use shopping bag or saying no to extra packaging
when buying souvenirs are small steps towards reducing your plastic
usage, and showing others how it can be done too.