Olivia Lopez and Her Lust for Life

Influencer Olivia Lopez, creator of the LA-based blog Lust for Life, shares with us her travel philosophy and must-visit Los Angeles recommendations.

Olivia Lopez exudes all the character traits
of someone who has a major lust for life (if you’re one of her
261,000 followers you will get this cheesy comment). Her blog,
Lust for
, which she’s run since she was just 14-years-old, has
amassed a following of travel and fashion lovers across the globe
who visit for the way that she flawlessly marries adventures in
both travel and style. We spoke with the star to learn more about
her philosophy…

SUITCASE MAGAZINE: Who or what inspired you to start
Lust for Life?

OLIVIA LOPEZ: Lust for Life is inspired by the
name of an Iggy Pop song, and is an overall metaphor I use to
describe my perpetual drive to partake in new experiences. The site
aims to capture the spirit of bon vivant, where the best things in
life come first. Growing up in California and spending summer
vacations in Europe instilled a strong sense to live well and make
time to enjoy your life, and I strongly believe that it plays an
integral part in boosting creativity and productivity.

SM: What are three packing tips you live

OL: Less is more: There is nothing that stifles
travel more than too much baggage. Versatility is key. Any pieces
that can take you from day to night, plane to meeting, beachside to
streetside is worth taking along for the ride. Always pack your
best pieces and valuables in your carry-on. I learned this summer
to never rely on an airline to get your luggage from point a to

SM: How many days a month do you spend at home in
California versus traveling?

OL: It varies month to month, ranging from one
layover day at home to a week at my apartment. As soon as summer
rolls around, I permanently live out of a suitcase.

SM: What is your travel philosophy?

OL: Travel is part planning and part
spontaneity – don’t be afraid to stray away from an itinerary to
experience something new. Some of my best memories arose from
making a new friend or taking a wrong turn that completely changed
the direction of a trip, but sometimes the best moments come from
having little expectations.

SM: You are originally from the Philippines. What do you
miss most and what is the first thing you do upon

OL: What I miss most is authentic Filipino
food. It’s one cultural cuisine that is yet to be embraced here in
the US and the best dishes still come directly from the kitchen of
Filipino families. I’m planning to return in early 2016, and I
can’t wait to explore all the beautiful, unspoiled islands that
make the archipelago one of the most interesting destinations in
South East Asia.

SM: Do you think the success of blogging has an
expiration date or is it here to stay?

OL: As long as the internet exists, blogging
will stay relevant. I think people will always have the curiosity
and desire to share or search for stories outside of the circle
they live in.

SM: What is one thing you cannot travel

OL: My Canon 5D Mark III and a swimsuit.

SM: What do you pack in your suitcase?

OL: Muji Pens, a notebook, a tan brown Acne
leather jacket, The Row sunglasses, a Mikoh swimsuit, Evian face
mist and New Balance sneakers.

SM: What are your favourite stories to tell through film
and imagery?

OL: I like to tell a story of a place based on
the emerging colour themes that strike out the most to me while I’m
there. In Santorini it was white and blue, in Montenegro it was
lush greens and turquoise blue.

SM: Where has been the most inspiring place you have
travelled to and what lessons did you learn from that

OL: I absolutely loved the sights and sounds of
Rio. The landscape is endlessly enamouring and it’s where I learned
to samba.

SM: Top three things on your bucket list?

OL: Learn to fly a plane. Host a travel series.
Do a road trip across South America.

SM: What is your greatest extravagance?

OL: Apart from flights, my greatest
extravagance is meals. A long dinner with friends involving wine
and shared plates is my definition of happiness.

SM: Which other travel/fashion bloggers do you

OL: I’ve always adored Shini Park from Park
& Cube and Amanda Shadforth from Oracle Fox.


Favourite place to shop?

Paris in June, dangerous because of sale season.

Favourite place to eat?

LA – the food scene here is so rich and diverse that it would be
difficult to find another place with a range that a metropolitan
sprawl can offer.

Favourite place to go out?


Favourite place to stay?

in Palm Springs. My place of repose after long trips

New York or LA?


Black or White?


Checked bag or carry-on?


Red-eye or day flight?


Laptop or tablet?


Feminine or masculine?


Early bird or night owl?

Early bird.

Discover More
Olivia Lopez’s Insider Guide to Los Angeles