Frenetic Marrakech

was the last week in March, the air was dry and the colours
were warm. Within moments of arriving in Marrakech it felt like all
eyes were on us, with eager stallholders ready to pounce and secure
a quick deal. We walked the labyrinth of narrow souks and winding
alleyways, surrounded by high walls strung with patterned carpets,
ducking under leather bags and other local wares until we finally
reached our destination.

After unpacking, I remember having a feeling which I don’t
usually get when I go travelling. I was almost dreading going back
out into the crazy hubbub of this exotic metropolis. But I took a
moment to look out over the city from the rooftop of our riad, and
it was something I will never forget. The burnt oranges and
cobalt-blue hues of the old town with the birds singing all around
me was uniquely romantic. And it made me feel brave enough to

Marrakech is equally as beautiful by day and night. In the day,
the scorching sun casts a blinding light on the pastel walls, as
children run through the streets teasing each other, laughing and
squealing all the way. The bustling streets and persistent locals
can feel overwhelming at times but there are plenty of tranquil
places to escape to, mostly among the hidden rooftops. Find your
perfect spot then settle in to watch the afternoon roll into the
evening through a burning sunset while sipping an icy-fresh orange


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Seven Must-Visit Destinations in Marrakech