On the Other Side (of the world)

The Other Side is an ongoing project primarily documenting
landscapes and people in different parts of the world.

The title is purposefully ambiguous and open to interpretation:
it may refer to being on the other side of the camera, on the other
side of the road, on the other side of the world, or something else

In this collection, I chose images from a recent road trip
across America, when I drove through Oregon, Washington,
California, Arizona and Nevada. It was fascinating to see how
diverse the states are in both geography and culture, from Crater
Lake to The Redwoods and getting lost in the desert – it was

I also chose a few photos from a trip I took to Thailand some
years ago, during which I visited Bangkok, Krabi, Koh Phi Phi and
Koh Samui. Thailand is one of my favourite countries because of how
different their culture is from my own, while the people are so
warm and friendly.

Finally, I decided to share a few pictures from Ibiza. This
island has a special place in my heart because my parents live
there most of the year and I visit regularly. It’s a place that
divides opinions, for me it’s a second home and I love how
effortlessly the craziness of the place mixes with its beauty and

| ontheotherside.com

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