Our Favourite SUITCASE Snapshots from the Wildest Corners of Our Planet

Dip into our archives to explore the natural wonders of the world with our pick of the SUITCASE stories that best capture the sheer beauty of planet Earth.

the course of 36 SUITCASE issues, we’ve met mountain gorillas in
Uganda, wandered between the red, ragged peaks of China’s Gansu
province and strolled over Madagascar’s soft white sands, among
other adventures, and we’re still regularly left awestruck by the
stunning landscapes and striking wildlife found in the

So, in the spirit of celebrating the beauty and diversity of the
planet for Earth Day, we’ve trawled through our back catalogue to
bring you our favourite SUITCASE photography of this beautiful

Earthly wonders: the SUITCASE Magazine stories that best
capture the beauty of planet Earth

Madagascar treescape
Boat on a Madagascar beach

Image credit: Mark Leaver

Treasure Island

Vol. 25: Pioneer

Prepare to swoon over love heart-pink skies and soft white sands
while perusing our story on Madagascar’s untouched corners. India
Dowley headed off-road and off-grid on her expedition to the
beguiling African isle, where forest tribes still thwart the reach
of tourism.

A gorilla in Uganda

Image credit: Michael Turek

(Un)natural Selection

Vol. 33: Collective

Coming face to face with endangered mountain gorillas, and the
displaced Batwa community, in southwestern Uganda, Serena Strang
and Michael Turek puzzled over the enduring question of our times:
whose needs come first, human or animal? Find Turek’s incredible
photographs of the jungle apes – and their human neighbours – in
our Collective issue.

A canyon vista on the Mexico-US border
Desert sands on the US-Mexico Border

Image credit: Elliot Ross

A Long Line in the Sand

Vol. 20: Homelands

Sometimes, the Earth’s beauty is best represented by its
alienness. Case in point? The primordial beauty of the deserts,
canyons and stretching sand dunes along the US-Mexico border, all
of which appear in our Homelands issue. Travelling for 12 weeks
along a 3,220km-long route, Genevieve Allison and Elliot Ross
captured striking, empty landscapes characterised by lonesome rock
formations and empty, seemingly endless roads.

A verdent scene in Albania

Image credit: Mark Rammers

River Deep, Mountain High

Vol. 34: Revival

Treading softly through Albania’s forested peaks, Imogen Lepere
and Mark Rammers encountered wild beauty and fiercely warm
hospitality. Grab our Revival issue to ogle over the verdant
splendour of this lesser-visited region.

Gansu, China
Gansu, China

Image credit: Yuri Andries

The New Silk Road

Vol. 23: Adventure

Ancient, rainbow-striped mountains, ragged against a hazy sky; a
soft moss of vegetation battling Martian landscapes: sometimes,
earthly delights appear altogether interstellar. Tracing the
footsteps of Marco Polo through China’s Gansu province, Yuri
Andries captured the strange beauty of this sand-swept region in
our Adventure issue.

Trees, UK
River running through trees in the UK

Image credit: Beth Squires

Shades of Winter

Vol. 35: Celebration

Sometimes, the beauty resides close to home. Beth Squire’s
arresting images of the UK’s fields and forests, peaks and valleys,
lochs, lakes and rugged coastlines convey the country’s haunting
elegance in our Celebration issue.

A lake beside the Silk Road train, in Tibet

Image credit: Marc Sethi

Soul Train

Vol. 16: Spirit

Vast, glossy lakes, the folded bulk of ancient mountains and the
rich claret robes of monks: all these earthly wonders made the
pages of Monisha Rajesh and Marc Sethi’s story on Tibet’s Qinghai
railway. Follow the pair’s journey between Xining and Lhasa, as
they seek to reconcile the region’s turbulent history with its
otherwordly beauty.

The Lowdown

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