Boxed Kids: Accra, Ghana

The project "Boxed kids" deals with children who are trapped in a place or situation that they can't get out of for whatever reason. This series documents how life in Jamestown, a small fishing district in Ghana's capital city of Accra, is difficult for many young people. The inspiration came when I helped my mother organise an event for underprivileged children last summer. I noticed that many of them were creative but unable to either recognise their talents or develop them due to poverty and a lack of education. They are unable to pursue their dreams - if they dare have any.

I did this project with Kuukua, my partner who is also an artist and a writer. The original plan was to launch a campaign which helped them go to school, but I didn't have the means to do that. Instead, I decided to take photographs of a few children, our city and the conditions in which some people live, share them to the world through my Instagram and hope that other platforms picked up on the photographs, liked them and shared them. A few months later this started to happen, so I decided to launch a gofundme page for some of the children I have go to know, hoping that they will be able to get an education - and those dreams.

Donate to Boxed Kids here.

@princejyesi | @boxedkids

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Redefining Stereotypes: Motordames, Ghana