The Coast is Clear: Off-Season by the Baltic Sea, Poland

The Baltic seaside isn't your typical off-season travel destination. It's moody, foggy, a bit gloomy and has an astonishingly deserted feel - and that's exactly why it's stolen our hearts.

In the summer, people escape Poland's greyish, cramped cities to catch some rays on these shores. Come autumn, winter and early spring, these Baltic stretches are almost peopleless, each transformed into endless miles of empty, strikingly beautiful sands.

We live just a few hours away from the beach, so every time we tire of the city, we get into the car without hesitation and drive to one of the many little towns spread along the coast.

Walking only in the company of seagulls and the soothing sound of waves is an incomparable feeling. It's at once surprising, disturbing and exhilarating to not meet another human soul. No matter how many times we visit, we're overwhelmed by the sense of space and freedom that the sea brings.

Peak season is undoubtedly beautiful; we love walking barefoot on the warm sand, allowing the waves to tickle our feed. Yet to wait half a year for this space to ourselves is always, always worth it.

@the.bialons |

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