10 Dreamsical Places You Need To Visit

From the naturally occurring to places dreamed up by creative minds, these are 10 of the worlds' dreamiest locales to visit (and/or fantasise about).


Arizona, US

Perched on the edge of a mesa, Paolo Soleri's utopian metropolis - located in the middle of the Arizona desert - looks lifted from a sci-fi film.

Port Lligat

Cadaques, Spain

Topped with ceramic eggs, the stucco structure of Salvador DalĂ­'s Catalonian home is an indulgent homage to surrealist experimentation.

Salvation Mountain

California, US

This colourful mound in the Sonoran Desert is a proclamation of faith and love. Walk the hand-painted yellow brick road to Salvation's exuberantly painted 50-foot summit, crowned by the words "God Is Love".



A volcanic Greek island in the Aegean Sea, Milos is publicised as the discovery site of the Venus de Milo - but we're most interested in discovering the Papafragas caves.

Zhangye Danxia

Gansu, China

A geological wonder, the rainbow mountains of Gansu are rugged, multihued and majestic.

Lake Retba

Senegal, Africa

You've got algae to thank for the particularly pretty shade of pink for which Lake Retba is known.

The Isle of Skye


Across this archipelago, vast swathes of land are populated with abstract geological forms, from coastline peninsulas to the weird and wonderful rock formations of the Quiraing.

Thermal Springs

Pamukkale, Turkey

At Pamukkale, ethereal limpid pools hang like white travertine terraces. Meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, its name couldn't be more in point.

Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka

Ibaraki, Japan

Hitachi Seaside Park - with its marshmallow-pink kochia plants - gives us serious Dr Seuss vibes.

Namib Desert

Namibia, Africa

This coastal desert is one of the oldest and largest in the world; it's distinctive russet hue also makes it one of the most beautiful.