Good Morning, Vietnam

Ever since starting a new job after graduating from university, I felt like something was missing. So I threw caution to the wind, embraced the cliché booked a trip to Southeast Asia to "find myself". I'd visited Thailand the year before and heard endless stories about how incredible Vietnam is, so I was desperate to see it for myself.

Upon arriving in Ho Chi Minh, I was hit by the vibrant culture in the form of bustling streets, busy people, towers of exotic fruit and veg and sizzling food stands on every corner. From there, I ventured across the rest of the country on motorbike until reaching Hanoi. There is no more liberating feeling than having the dirt in your eyes as you swerve past trucks, the wind whipping your face as you bend and lean with every curve of a mountain. The energy pulsed through my soul and I felt alive.

Vietnam is a country rich in both beautiful landscapes and beautiful souls. The Vietnamese are such a welcoming, friendly lot that it was often as if I was among family. I am fascinated by people everywhere I travel, and my primary focus in photography is to capture everyday life and my interactions with others. In this series I have tried to convey my experiences with both people and nature. I found the happiness I was looking for - and much more than that.

@notcarolineee |

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