Chasing Light in Hong Kong

This was my first trip to Asia. I wasn't sure what to expect, but that was the point; I wanted to experience a culture that I didn't usually have access to, one that was entirely different from my own.

The first few days were a barrage on the senses. The mix of sprawling seafood markets, glaring neon advertising signs and warm yet slightly damp autumnal air was something I would grow accustomed to, and eventually enjoy.

I was keen to experience some of Hong Kong's Chinese heritage too, so I left the city in search of the beautiful, peaceful temples I'd heard about. The people I encountered there were warm and welcoming, despite my lack of knowledge about their faith. Nobody minded my camera being out, so I was able to get close to the worshippers and photograph them leaving incense and gifts for the three major religions the temple was dedicated to; Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

As a photographer, light is something I'm interested in, and the light in Hong Kong is particularly captivating. The huge number of high-rise buildings causes many peculiar reflections, geometric patterns and perfectly straight cuts of light onto the city below. This led to some great visuals - some that I was able to capture, and some that I was not.

@alexrelms |

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The Lonely Souls of Hong Kong