How To Say Hello In 50 Languages

Learning a few key local phrases goes a long way when you're travelling. This is just a start, but a simple 'hello' can go a long way…

France: bonjour | bon-jhor

Spain: hola | o-la

Germany: guten-Tag| gotten tag

Italy: ciao | chow

Portugal: olá | oh-lah

India/Nepal: namaste | na-mus-thei

Albania: tungjatjeta | toon-hah-tyeh-tah

Thailand: sá-wat-dee | sà-wat-dee

Armenia: bare Dzez | bar-rev-dzez

Russia: zdrastvuyte | zdra-stoovy-tyeh

Sweden: hej | high

Israel: shalom | shah-lohm

Persia: shalaam | sah-laam

Bosnia: dobar dan | doh-bahr-dahn

Bulgaria: zdraveite | zarah-vey-teh

Lithuania: labas | la-bas

Vietnam: xin chão | sin-Chow

Turkey: merhaba | mehr-hah-ban

Catalonia: bondia | bon-dee-ah

Cambodia: sous-day | sues-day

China ( Mandarin): ni Hau | nee-how

China (Cantonese): nay ho | nay-how

Ukraine: dobriyden | doh-bree-dehn

Croatia: bok | bohk

Czech Republic: ahoj | ahoy

Denmark: goddag | goo'dey

Hawaii: aloha | ah-loh-hah

Estonia: tere | tehr-reh

Finland: hei | hay

Greece: gia'sou | yah-soo

Hungary: jo napot | yah-naput

Slovakia: dobry den | oh-bree del

Indonesia: halo | hah-loh

Fiji: ni Sabula | nee-sah-boo-lah Ireland: dia dhuit | dee-ah-ghwit

Iceland: gotham dagg | goh-than-da-yin

Tahiti: ra orana | ee-ah-oh-rah-na

Japan: konnichiwa |ko-nee-chee-wa

North Korea: ahn-young-hase-yo | ahn-yan-ha-say-yo

Malaysia: selma Dagi | se-lah-maht-pah-gee

New Zealand: kia Ora | key-or-a

Taiwan: lí-ho | lee-hoh

Norway: hei | hay

Azerbaijan: salam | sah-lam

Lebanon: marhaba| mar-haba

Guatemala: buenos dias | bwen-nos-dee-as

Kenya ( Swahili): hodi | ho-di

Ethiopia: sehlam | seh-lahm

Malta: hellow | hel-low

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