The Lonely Souls of Hong Kong

It was my first time in Hong Kong. I was surprised at how many people can live in such a small space. The tight buildings with thousands of windows almost touched each other and reached up to the sky. The streets were full of people walking back and forth, all of them in a hurry.

During happy hour the bars were crowded, and there was not a single table left. In Hong Kong people take over the streets and make them their own; every alley seems like a small universe, a little world to take refuge in. The only time of day when there seemed to be a bit of peace in the midst of the chaos was in the morning, around 7am, when I went for a walk because I couldn't sleep due to the jet lag.

With this series of photos I tried to capture the sense of loneliness within this dense city's inhabitants. A place full of people, where space seems to be a privilege, but at the same time, that loneliness and a strange nostalgia lurks in every corner. | @tiagoalmanca

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Paparazzi and Pandas: Hong Kong to Chengdu