Only You Hotel
Madrid , Spain
Madrid is a city of contradictions: it's beautiful yet run-down; it's steeped in tradition yet impressively innovative; it's incredibly laid-back yet mercilessly fast-paced.
25 June, 2018
Madrid me mata, an unsettling slogan adopted during the city's 1980s countercultural movement, refers to the crazy and somewhat self-destructive nature of life in the Spanish capital. Step onto the streets around 3-4AM on any given day, and it's clear that over three decades later Madrid continues to have its wicked way with tourists and residents alike.
The problem with a translation of this motto into English is that "Madrid is killing me" fails to capture the paradoxical relationship between the city and the decline of man. Madrid is a city of contradictions: it's beautiful yet run-down; it's steeped in tradition yet impressively innovative; it's incredibly laid-back yet mercilessly fast-paced.
Death by Madrid is not a painful or undesirable experience. Rather than a swift assassination, it is a passion crime leading from a volatile romance that leaves you exhausted, excited, and at all costs wanting more. Without any further ado, here's our love letter to the city.
Madrid , Spain
Madrid , Spain
Madrid , Spain
Madrid , Spain
Madrid , Spain
Madrid , Spain