Malta’s True Colours: A Snapshot of Island Life

Immersed in the laid-back lifestyle of the locals, photographer Charlie Goodge takes us on a journey through the winding, picture-perfect streets of Valletta, Sliema, Rabat, Mdina and Marsaxlokk.

Malta is the perfect location for a restless explorer, a place where I could satisfy my constant need to move and see everything. At just 27km long, the island can be discovered in all of its glory without the need to hop from hotel to hotel.

This makes it the perfect destination for eager travellers who like to get a taste of a whole country in one trip - for me, staying in a single town or city often isn't enough to make me feel as if I've experienced a country's culture fully. The winding, picture-perfect streets of Valletta, Sliema, Rabat, Mdina and Marsaxlokk felt a million miles away from the pressures of the modern world. Malta strikes an idyllic balance between fast and slow, new and old; here you can throw yourself into the hustle and bustle of everyday life or slink away from the busy seafronts and lose yourself in the nooks and crannies of tranquil side streets.

Immersed in the laid-back lifestyle of the locals, I was taken in by the simple way of Maltese living. Walking past laundry floating outside windows and buildings sporting classic architectural features, I sensed that this island runs at its own pace.

The eclectic cultural influences that make up modern-day Malta are another fascinating part of its charm - red letter boxes nod to British rule while there are pizza restaurants that will make you feel as if you have popped over to Italy. It's clear to see why Malta is attracting more and more travellers.

As with most of my trips, colour is the first thing that saturates my mind when I daydream about my time in on the island. My head bursts with the brilliant sapphire seas and the tanned glow of stone buildings under the scorching sun. I'm sure I'll return to Malta one day to experience even more.

@charliegoodge |

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