Vivid Reality: Mexico

This series explores the work of the late Mexican architect and engineer Luis Barragán. We're not experts, but as people who appreciate aesthetics and the small details, we can both say that his designs are nothing short of spectacular. Each of the three properties we visited are unique, but share a striking flare for light and colour.

There is a magic to Barragán's outdoor spaces. They let you experience the fresh air and open sky while simultaneously enveloping you in a colourful world that almost seems too vivid for reality. They left us wishing that whole cities could be designed this way; that all gardens could be playgrounds for our senses, and that every courtyard could be bursting with colour.

The intimate feeling that each space captures is a delight. With their small rooms and narrow hallways, the buildings are meant to be occupied by only a few people at a time. When we stepped into the complete stillness of these places, it felt impossible to have been on such a busy street just seconds ago. It was even stranger to wander through and find a hallway punctuated by a glowing cave with an indoor pool; to step from a stairway onto an expansive deck surrounded by pink walls covered in greenery, or to walk through a gate into a piece of modern art.

In Barragán's designs, every entrance, every corner and every light fixture has a secret to tell. We knew that we wanted to photograph all of these elements, but didn't realise what a challenge it would be. For the first time, we became overwhelmed with possibilities. We felt we were not able to photograph everything fast enough, but were comforted that we would soon be over soon and we would be able to rest our tired eyes. We left over-stimulated but so appreciative - and that doesn't happen very often.

@tropicophoto |

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