Multicoloured Morocco

Morocco is beautiful.

It is beautiful in its breathtaking colours, its lively people and its expansive landscapes - all reverberating with the muffled sounds of the daily call to prayer.

But for us, Morocco was most amazing during its in-between moments. When we passed from one city to another or between neighbourhoods, we discovered the details. There was the split second that our car window whizzed past a roadside rug shop, displaying all manners of craftsmanship hanging from its every surface. There was the endless ochre pasture we drove along, full of lambs frolicking and taking in the day. We felt as though our eyes could never grow tired of the unexpected sights in unexpected places. These moments were our nearly missed treasures.

As we traversed the rural areas, gazing at towns coated in pink and green, it was hard to place ourselves. We had to wonder - if we saw this with no context, where in the world could we be right now? This was not the Morocco that we heard about. This was not the place where tourists came to browse the souks and drink mint tea.

We were on another planet, able to see something for the very first time - a place that felt undiscovered.

@tropicophoto |

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The Ultimate Morocco Itinerary