Song Saa Private Island, Cambodia

Song Saa Private Island is definitely the pinnacle of an unexplored eco hideaway. Founded by Rory and Melita Hunter after they fell in love with the islands while sailing the Cambodian coast, this sanctum of sustainable luxury is a paragon of island chic and green credentials combined in the azure-hued Koh Rong archipelago. Phew, deep breath. Once on the island you follow meandering palm trees around the restaurants, villas and communal areas. The mantra on the island is 'do as little or as much as you want'. Private pools, beaches and the ocean are at your doorstep and you can pass hours simply slipping into the laid back rhythm of the island. So removed from the constraints of 'normal life' is this haven, that it even has its own time zone, half an hour behind the mainland.


Residences are crafted locally from recycled timbers and natural materials from tree species and the bows of passing fishing boats. The décor blends Cambodian textiles with Moroccan and Mediterranean accents. Outdoor living areas have been designed with views across the ocean to create linear access to the island's beauty.

How about lunch and dinner?

Guests fill out a personalised form before arrival and their meals, mini bar and activities are catered to their tastes and desires. Dishes on the menu include fresh seafood not found anywhere else in the world. Dinner plans are delivered as thoughtful notes, invitations to fresh fish barbeques and tasting menus.

Is there a bar?

Yes, and it's on the beach.


There is a private sanctuary with internationally trained therapists, a foundation aimed at conservation and education on the island and activities like paddle boarding, hikes in the mangrove forest and fitness sessions.

Things you should know

The Song Saa Foundation was founded to build on the relationship between the owners and the local fishing and island community on neighbouring Koh Rong. Education is key both for the children and villagers in different ways. A trip across the strait to the local village displays the ways the two work together to conserve the environment and improve life for the community. Composting and recycling are also important aspects of this to both decrease the reliance on chemical fertilisers and also to prevent plastic pollution of the rivers and oceans.

Within a short walk you can find…

Private infinity pools, endless beaches and the ocean on your doorstep. However, the island is championed for its unspoilt coral reefs, with boats not allowed within 100 metres of the shoreline. This has helped to provide abundant fishing hauls for the local villagers. If you find yourself staring longingly at the glistening turquoise water, try deep-sea diving, Song Saa's best kept secret.


Koh Rong Archipelago, Cambodia,

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