Adrian Grenier: Hollywood Goes Green

known as an international heart-throb and star of the hit
HBO series Entourage, but off-screen Adrian Grenier devotes his
energy to
living. The actor has produced environmental
docu-series, championed green technology and in 2009 co-founded
SHFT – a lifestyle platform exploring how we can live
cleanly through film, design, art and food – and recently starred
in action crime-thriller Marauders. He sat down with SUITCASE to
discuss his passion for protecting the environment and the future
of sustainability.

What sparked your environmental activism?

There’s a quote I love by Albert Pine: “What we do for ourselves
dies with us; what we do for others and the world remains and is
immortal.” I’m looking to find happiness through giving back. It’s
that simple.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability means that what we do today will leave the world
a better place for the next generation. Therefore our systems, the
way we do business, how we consume and the way we exploit our
resources must keep the future in mind.

Which specific causes are closest to your heart and why have
you chosen to back them?

I’ve been focusing a lot on the oceans. They are so vast,
complex and out of our immediate sight, they often get ignored. But
oceans are the most important piece of the environmental

Who, in your opinion, are the real innovators in the world of

I am a Dell’s Social Good Advocate and I’m really excited about
what they’re doing to create and support circular economies,
increase efficiencies in their product and stop electronic waste
entering the environment. I’m impressed with how committed [chief
executive] Michael Dell is to genuine change, and how much positive
influence he can have on the world.

Why do you think some companies shy away from being
environmentally conscious?

It’s not easy to do the right thing, because our capitalist
system is designed to create the wrong incentives. Companies are
not rewarded for supporting environmental initiatives. It often
either costs them money or puts them at a disadvantage when
competing against companies who aren’t restrained ecologically. I’m
very sensitive to how tough it can be to survive as a business,
which is hard enough, and yet also try to do the right thing.

What small steps can young people take towards being more

Woody Allen said “80 per cent of success is showing up”. There
is no panacea; the answers are still out there. We need your
participation, your thoughts, your ideas. Come tell us what small
steps you discover. It’s not easy to do the right thing, because
our capitalist system is designed to create the wrong

Which parts of the world make you feel most passionate about
the environment?

When I go diving and am able to see and be humbled by how vast,
beautiful and perfectly balanced the ocean is, it makes me feel
connected and inspired to preserve, or at least not harm it.

What steps do you take to be environmentally friendly when

I would say everywhere you go is a potential opportunity to do
something. For example, if you go to a beach, take some time to
clean it up.

Which destinations are on your travel bucket list?

I am yet to explore Asia – I would love to go to Japan
and get really into the cuisine.

What do you always take with you in your suitcase?

I always bring my
gear, wherever I’m travelling. Also, I can’t forget my
good headphones. This interview has been updated and originally
appeared in Volume 12 of SUITCASE

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