Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania

as “the land beyond the forest”, Transylvania is
historically tied up with the tale of Dracula, and remains a site
of fantasy today. Along with vampires, the region’s charming
villages, magnificent castles and beautiful mountain landscapes
quickly capture the imagination.

The city of Cluj-Napoca is one of Transylvania’s historical
capitals, and its cobbled streets hum with vibrant life. It is home
to a number of palaces (in Baroque, Renaissance and Gothic styles)
as well as chic bistros, a botanical garden, a museum of
ethnography and Romania’s largest university.

You can go hiking at the Turda Gorge, only 15km outside of the
city. Don’t miss the Baroque castle in BonÅ£ida, the outstanding
beauty of the Belis Lake or the reedbeds of Sic. Fantasy and
reality meet in Transylvania – you’ll want to come back for

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Bled, Slovenia