Memoirs of Andalusia

is a particularly nostalgic spot; all Moorish
architecture, bleached houses, deserted beaches and defused

Cold waters and undulating dunes – mirroring those of Bologna
– elate the spirit and captivate the eye. Visitors from every
compass point head to the south in search of Andalusia’s beguiling
stretches of sand. An omnipresent blue sky pierces the horizon, cut
only by beams of sunlight and the outline of far-off domes rising
from their foundations.

Head north in pursuit of
Los Pueblos Blancos
, the white villages for which Andalusia is
fawned over. Exuding a majesty all of their own, they are decadent
and effortless in equal measure; courtyards brim with cascading
blooms, while ceramic pots and plates litter every window ledge and
patio stoop.

Watch as the sun sets, dappling the steeples and bell tower,
casting an amber glow over the village. Then, silence.

Prints available. | @carlacuencacortes

Discover More
A Road Trip through Los Pueblos Blancos, Andalusia