One Night in Mykonos

We sent writer Nora Maloney to Mykonos for 24 hours. Things obviously got messy.

knows Mykonos packs a major punch when it comes to
their notorious nightlife. The Greek island attracts party people
from around the world with the hypnotic draw of DJs, dancing and
dynamite views. With only 24 hours on the island I thought it only
appropriate to give my Friday a total play-by-play…


This is my first time in Greece and so far it’s met all
my expectations – all of which stem solely from Mamma Mia! Driving
to the Myconian Avaton Resort, my home base for the weekend, I
experience the unfortunate loss of six years of my life to winding
roads fit only for donkeys.


If you need me, I’ll be poolside. Avaton is built into the
island’s cliffs and meets Mykonos’ two-story, all-white
requirement. The rooms are crisp and airy with balconies that, if
you’re lucky, have a personal hot tub. Because who doesn’t need one
of those? I, however, choose to spend the majority of my day brain
dead and beaming by the infinity pool. Fast-forward four hours and
I am far past the bronze base I was going for…


The one thing that could successfully tear me away from the
pool, if only for a moment, is food. A group of us make our way to
Paraga beach and sit down for a seaside lunch at Tasos Taverna.
With an amazing view, and even better food, Tasos makes for a
perfect midday break. Though if you aren’t a cat person this strip
of beach might not be for you.


We spend the early evening, or what I so naively thought was the
early evening, walking through Mykonos town and its quaint,
fairy-lit and cobbled streets. We stop for a scoop of ice cream and
a shot of tequila (naturally) and then make our way back to the


At this point I’m hungry again. I sit on my balcony with a glass
of wine (note to self: mini bar
wine and pistachios do not a meal make) and eventually phone down
about dinner. The 8 o’clock dinner that I am used to is not quite
what I will be having. Instead, we were to do as the locals do.


Finally en route to Roca Cookery, I was soon to indulge in
endless plates of traditional Greek food while willing myself to
rally. Wine combatted by two shots of espresso did just the

Photo by Johnny Panopoulos


Sufficiently stuffed and feeling fresh(ish) we wind our way to
Cavo Paradiso, the island’s most popular nightclub, where the DJs
were only just getting warmed up – recall my 5PM naivety? Nestled
into the cliffs 150ft above the Aegean Sea, this open-air nightclub
is the epicentre for smooth beats and booze.


The main act of the night, German DJ, Loco Dice, has yet to make
his appearance but I have soaked up a significant amount of liquid
confidence by this point and find myself dancing with my new best
friends – their names now escape me…


Loco Dice is now playing and the club is buzzing. This really
confuses me since it’s 6AM, shouldn’t we be thinking of breakfast? My new best friends
and I are now backstage with Dice’s manager and friends – this also
confuses me but I’m feeling really cool at this point so definitely
not going to mention my lack of knowledge when it comes to house


I’m dragging and my ‘coolness’ is rapidly slipping away. While I
sit caring for my ailing body, the club still moves around me in
full swing showing no signs of stopping. Dice has now been playing
over four hours straight and I feel weak in body, but more so in
mind for not having better stamina. My only consolation is knowing
the club will shut down at 8:30AM whether we are ready or not. I
was ready.


Half-asleep at the breakfast table, I’m seated between Dice and
his manager making note of the crew of zombies we have assembled
for a feast of bagels, eggs and fresh fruit. I last all of 20
minutes before retiring to my place by the pool for a sleep in the
morning sun.

My power nap was short-lived but effective and 24 hours after
first arriving my trip had come to an end. If I’m to leave this
pretty little island having learned one thing it’s that, there is
always going to be someone, or some place, better at partying than
you. In this case, it’s Mykonos and just about everyone here.

The Lowdown

Nora was hosted in Mykonos by, Myconian Avaton Resort and
Cavo Paradiso.