Third Wheeling: Three Couples and Single Cameraman in Kalkan, Turkey

As one photographer stepped onto Kalkan’s sun-dappled shores, he realised he had the perfect travel partner – his camera.

something alluring about solo
. You have the freedom to wander at your own whim, making
friends en route is a doddle and it’s a chance to take an inward
journey, exploring your own self while venturing outwards.

Nevertheless, there are times when you just want to kick back on
a beach with a beer and your friends. The problem is, as I approach
my 30s, most of my friends are in relationships – and that’s how I
found my single self apprehensively booking a holiday with three
couples to
‘s harbourside town of Kalkan.

It turns out that my fears about being a third wheel were
ill-founded. Stepping onto the sun-kissed Mediterranean Coast, I
clutched my camera a little tighter, realising I had the perfect
travel partner in my palm.

Like fishing nets flung across the sloping landscape, Kalkan’s
tangle of cobbled streets is furnished with views across turquoise
water dotted with gulets, Turkey’s traditional wooden sailing
boats. Family-run restaurants and cafés hewn into hillside serve
seafood so fresh it still tastes like the ocean.

It’s unsurprising that this place is a magnet for holidaymakers.
Yet for every cluster of activity, Kalkan blesses visitors with
pockets of natural beauty. On a stretch of coast flanked by cliffs
and forest, the small beach of Kaputas was where we spent our best
days. Hours basking in the burning sun were only broken by dips in
waters so cool, clear and deep that we could see the fish swimming
around us.

Turkey may have a bounty of cultural and historical offerings,
but where this ancient fishing village excels is in reeling you
into a state of being that requires little more than sun, sea and
sand – being with friends was a bonus. Pootling around on boats,
lazing on shores, I didn’t need to be coupled off for the Turquoise
Coast to lull me into a mindset of rest and relaxation. In fact,
the only thing singular about my trip to Kalkan was the town’s
ability to revive a city-weary soul – and that was exactly what I,
and my camera, needed.


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On the Road Less Taken: Driving Turkey’s Black Sea Coast