Wandering and Wondering in Nepal

I journeyed across the varying Nepalese terrain, from the
busy city of Kathmandu through the deserted Himalayan mountains to
the lakeside calm of Pokhara, I discovered an enchanting country
imbued with an intangible magic – a far cry from the demoralised
and damaged nation one would expect following a devastating

I was fortunate enough to know a Nepalese man who drove me for
over nine hours through the Himalayas on the back his khaki Enfield
bike in order that I could visit tiny villages, meet locals and
discover hidden caves in which monks live for years without
speaking to another soul. Of course, there were some derelict
scenes where buildings had turned to rubble and waste. In these
places it was as though no time had passed since those first
tremors shook the earth over two years ago. The quake injured
22,000 people and killed 9,000, leaving many homeless or sleeping
in dangerous makeshift shelters.

Although a poor country, Nepal has beauty and culture in spades;
people remain optimistic, their spirituality and religious
practices guiding them through troubled times. I experienced
nothing but kindness, constantly surrounded by giggling children
with scuffed shoes and cheeky grins.

Despite being a landlocked country that sits between two
powerhouses – China and India – Nepal has never been colonised or
ruled by foreigners. A cultural hybrid of sorts, the country enjoys
a melange of food from both its neighbours, with fragrant Indian
curries served alongside Chinese dumplings known as “momo”. Sacred
cows and bulls amble freely among the busy traffic of cars and
bikes, seemingly oblivious to the shouted warnings and
recriminations of humans.

The freneticism of cities like Kathmandu contrasted with the
serenity of the surrounding countryside makes for a trip that
surprises and delights at every turn. It’s no wonder that people
return from Nepal feeling simultaneously rejuvenated and at


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Three High Passes: Trekking Mount Everest, Nepal