Maremegmeg Beach Bar
Picture this: you’re sitting in the dappled shade of a sea almond tree, sand beneath your feet, twinkling overhead lights catching the shimmer of the waves, only a few metres away, chilled beer in hand. Bliss, right? At Maremegmeg Beach Bar, it’s the state of play every night. This laid-back venue is a favourite of El Nido’s WFH (work from holiday) crew, thanks to its captivating views across the waters and karst cliffs. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, the restaurant’s menus are low-key and unshackled. You can expect wagyu burgers one night, a creamy carbonara the next, then tongue-tingling drunken shrimp or a hearty rice bowl to follow. The bar doesn’t skimp on it’s responsibilities, either – during the pandemic, it regularly donated food to the local El Nido Community Pantry.