The Ebb and Flow of Life in Coastal Indonesia

Lulu's work has a distinct aesthetic and a dreamlike quality, with a naturalism in her close observations of subjects and environments. Lulu's photography is about people - about feelings, connections and stories. She loves working with her subjects to create visual narratives that are both emotive and authentic. The series Ebb and Flow is about a small, remote community living on the coast of Sumbawa, Indonesia. They live and work in harmony with the ebb and flow of the tide. At low tide they harvest seaweed, bringing it to the shore on rafts, and fish for their food in rock pools. At high tide they dry the seaweed out in the sunshine, then bag it up to sell to the food and cosmetics industries. The boys surf until the tide drops below the reef and the cycle starts again.

@luluash |

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Conjuring Magic in the Banda Islands, Indonesia