All the Things I Missed: A Photographer’s Return to Bogota, Colombia

I left my hometown of Bogota, Colombia towards the end of 2011. I would not return for another four years. When I left, I felt like I was escaping a sort of creative vacuum, finding my surroundings dull and terribly uninspiring. I was itching to get away, to distance myself from all that was once familiar.

As the years outside my country passed and the time of my return grew nearer, questions circled around my head: how will you feel when you once again walk down the streets you knew so well? Will it be the same or will new elements, once obscured by closeness and routine, reveal themselves to you? The following images are part of a larger body of work aiming to aid me in answering these questions.

The project titled "All the Things I Missed" centers around the idea of return and the experiences that come with it. One can miss things one holds dear and is now lacking, but one can also miss things through the myopic effects of closeness. These images shot in Colombia's chaotic, scary and wonderful capital are at once an exercise in memory and re-discovery.

@ortizarenas |

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City Guide: Bogota, Colombia