Undiscovered Mexico with Atlas Unbound

If you've recently opened up your guide books or scoured your friends' recommendations on where to travel in Mexico, chances are there's a few places you've noted down. Maybe it's the growing infamy of bohemian-chic Tulum, the sprawling mezcal fields of colonial Oaxaca or the desolate surf beaches of Puerto Escondido. All are noteworthy destinations, and could satisfyingly soak up your precious time off. But what if you were to hear of another way to discover Mexico - one which stimulates the senses, immerses you in lands of insurmountable beauty, takes you far off the beaten track, and connects you with like-minded explorers as Mexico's mysteries reveal themselves day by day?

Picture the following. One morning might find you sleepily zipping open your tent, shaking off the morning dew and gazing out as the sun slowly rises over a forgotten lake in the middle of the Mayan jungle in Chiapas. No one else is in sight; all you can hear are the cries of howler monkeys and the gentle rustling of trees, the smell of a burning fire and beans bubbling as the local women tend to breakfast nearby.

Later that day you'll hop-scotch over ceiba tree roots as you climb up sacred pyramids lost in the middle of the jungle, listening intently as the indigenous Lacandon Mayans weave tales of tradition and mystery. Or why not take an unexpected journey through Baja California's narrow peninsula and take the time to commune with magical creatures of the deep before finding refuge in candlelit glamping on desert islands in the Sea of Cortez. Mexico is vast and her bounty is unfathomable.

If you prefer to have your senses spiked and your blood pumping, follow us as we plunge into one of the most immense caves on Earth and explore the depths within, spending our evenings between boutique eco-hotels and remote mountain cabins in the Sierra Gorda. Choose the untrodden path and spend your days trekking precipitous mountain trails of the vast canyon ranges of the Sierra Tarahumara in northern Mexico, sleeping under the stars and learning from the nomadic Raramuri tribe who call these mountains home.

Mexico is a land which contains a thousand stories waiting to be told; hidden gems which could easily take you a lifetime to unearth. It is also a place which we call home and one of nature's finest playgrounds. We're Atlas Unbound, and we're about introducing travellers to our secret lairs, reconnecting to nature, catalysing fresh perspectives and delving into new realms of experiences. We're for those with an ever curious mind and an explorer's bravado. Come join our journey.


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