Option One
Traeth Bach, Pembrokeshire
Our next print magazine is moments away from being sent to the printers... Volume 32: Homegrown is a celebration of the UK, a snapshot of the diverse people and places on our doorstep. But we’ve left perhaps the most difficult part until last – picking the cover. And we’re letting you, our readers, decide.
26 October, 2020
We've dotted the Is and crossed the Ts, ummed and ahhed over beautiful photographs and are now almost ready to send our latest magazine to the printers.
Volume 32: Homegrown is a celebration of the UK, a snapshot of the diverse people and places on our doorstep. But, we've left perhaps the most difficult part until last - picking the cover. And we're letting you, our readers, in on the decision.
When things have been a little, shall we say, different this year, your enthusiasm for storytelling and escapism has seen us through. With that in mind, it seems only right to hand over the reins for this last step of our final issue of 2020. After all, what could be more homegrown than a cover chosen by our own community?
Thinking caps on; it's time to play editor. What does "homegrown" mean to you? Or simply, which photograph do you think is a winning cover shot?
After much deliberation, we've picked four options from features in the magazine:
Traeth Bach, Pembrokeshire
Ludlow, Shropshire
Drag Culture, London
Ryvoan Bothy, Cairngorms
To have your say, click on the link below and select your favourite image. Make your decision by the 12 November - hard deadline, folks. Then, we're off to the printers.
We'll reveal the winning cover on 19 November when Volume 32: Homegrown launches. Subscribe now to get your hands on it before anyone else.
That's enough from us. Now, over to you.